10 Sitting Exercises for the Workplace




10 Sitting Exercises for Anti-Aging Fitness

  1. Sit tall with a neutral spine (small curve in your middle back, hips level).
  2. Legs spaced comfortably at a 90-degree angle and in alignment with hips.
  3. Feet pointed straight ahead, aligned with knees.
  4. Button navel to spine, reducing pressure on your back.
  5. Place a 4-inch foam ball between your knees to help you maintain position without having to think about it. Squeeze the ball with your inner thigh muscles from time to time to strengthen them and improve circulation.
  6. Keep your shoulders low and relaxed with a wide collarbone. Slide your shoulder blades down from time to time, exhaling as you do so. Be sure you don’t pinch your shoulder blades together. This exercise is extremely important for avoiding carpal tunnel syndrome and neck strain.
  7. Keep your computer keyboard at elbow level; comfortable for arms and wrists — also important for reducing stress to elbows and wrists.
  8. Alternate stretching your neck by looking and then tuck your chin into your chest.
  9. Concentrate on making your neck as long as possible.
  10. Keep a workout band in your desk to use for stretching, strengthening and improving circulation.
  11. Get up from your chair frequently and take a walk around the office. Take the stairs for going between floors whenever possible.


– Adapted from “The Anti-Aging Solution” by Vincent Giampapa, M.D., Ronald Pero, Ph.D., Marcia Zimmerman, C.N. Foreword by Nicholas Perricone, M.D. Wiley, March 2004.

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