The Best Green Juice

Green Delight Juice

I’ve tried so many different combinations of vegetables and fruits to concoct, what I believe to be, the best tasting green juice everrrrr! I’ve done the research and the trials and errors for you. This recipe is simple and only requires 3 ingredients. My green juice is incredibly refreshing, nourishing, and delicious.

I prefer a green juice that’s slightly sweet without a bitter aftertaste. My first ingredient is the cucumber. Why? Well, cucumbers are super hydrating and they render tons of liquid. They are full of phytonutrients which have the potential to lower inflammation, boost immunity, and so much more. Who wants beautiful skin? I do! Cucumbers will keep your skin glowing. Second ingredient, raw organic spinach. Using a dark leafy vegetable like spinach enhances the nutrition in the juice. It’s rich in chlorophyll, magnesium, iron, vitamins B2 and B6, folate, vitamins K, E, A, calcium, potassium and manganese.

Lastly, the Granny Smith apple. Its moderately tart flavor adds a wonderful dimension to juices, there’s also a hint of sweetness in them that’s perfect if you’re trying to restrict your sugar intake. There you have it, my 3 ingredients best tasting green juice. I recommend using organic produce whenever it’s possible. Choosing organic reduces harmful pesticides and herbicides in your body. We’re trying to enhance our bodies defenses mechanism against harmful diseases and oxidative stresses, not contribute to it.


  • 3 organic cucumbers
  • 2 cups organic raw spinach
  • 2 organic Granny Smith apples

Servings for 3

Food Facts: Cauliflower

Cauliflower is an excellent source of vitamin C, and a very good source of folate and vitamin K.

According to whfoods website cauliflower is high in vitamin K, which act like as a direct regulator of our inflammatory response. In addition, one of the glucosinolates found in cauliflower—glucobrassicin—can be readily converted into an isothiocyanate molecule called ITC, or indole-3-carbinol.

I3C is an anti-inflammatory compound that can actually operate at the genetic level, and by doing so, prevent the initiation of inflammatory responses at a very early stage.

Like chronic oxidative stress and chronic weakened detox ability, chronic unwanted inflammation can significantly increase our risk of cancers and other chronic diseases (especially cardiovascular diseases).

Cauliflower, a cruciferous vegetable, is in the same plant family as broccoli, kale, cabbage and collards. These vegetables should be included in your daily meal plan to help facilitate detoxification.


For a more in-depth understanding of the benefits of cauliflower read it here at

Lemon Water Before Bedtime


My tall glass of fresh lemon water before I hit the sack will assist my body in detoxification. Lemon water is also a good source of vitamin C and antioxidants. It also contains vitamins (such as vitamin B, riboflavin), minerals (such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus), proteins and carbohydrates. Lemons are highly acidic but they contain the good acids that your body needs. Your body has a fine PH balance that must be maintained and lemon water helps it. A pH less than 7 is said to be acidic. The ideal pH is slightly alkaline between 7.30 to 7.45. You can test your pH levels regularly by using a piece of litmus paper in your saliva or urine first thing in the morning before eating or drinking anything.

If your body is not alkaline, as it should be, then you could have a series of health problems from heartburn and acid reflux that many suffer with on a daily basis; digestive issues, and irregularity. An acidic body can wreak havoc on your allergies, especially if you are an asthmatic, or suffer from frequent headaches. It also prevents constipation.


Lemon water helps indigestion by
taking a fresh lemon and squeezing it into a warm glass of water in the morning before breakfast and then once again before dinner. This assists in and improves digestion. Lemon water makes your liver secrete more bile and thereby helps in digestion for detoxing the liver. Eating an alkaline diet also is beneficial for an alkaline body. Foods that’s are alkaline of course. Here are some key steps to living an alkaline lifestyle:

  • Eating a plant-based diet
  • No alcohol consumption
  • Exercising, yoga and meditation
  • Cut out processed foods and sugar
  • Drink alkaline water

Sounds easy right!

Water Benefits Health

My 14 Day Vegan Diet/Detox

I’ve gone days without eating animal protein, so to challenge myself I’m doing a 14 day vegan diet. I’m holding myself accountable by including all of you.

    Well, I will document/blog all of my meals and snacks for 14 days. I’m basically giving my body a rest.

Our bodies are products of nature and it’s designed to heal and detoxify on its own natural way. Unfortunately, we are over-exposed to a large variety of toxins (environmental, food, water, and emotional) in our daily lives. Plus, we do not take good care of ourselves, leaving our system compromised and further polluted. I have one other family member on board with me, Kareem Anglin . He’s going to be my sidekick in this. We’re up for it and anyone else who’d like to join in.

    Why now?
    Well, I have not been feeling the greatest lately, and I think I have a lot of toxic build-up. Lately, I’ve been experiencing low energy, low motivation, and I got sick twice within two months. It’s unlike me to get sick especially, back-to-back. That’s a no no in my book.

Here’s a list of some signs of toxic build-up. If you’re experiencing quite a few of these, maybe it’s time for a detox.

  • fatigue
  • poor digestion
  • illness
  • overweight
  • disease
  • constipation or poor elimination
  • low energy
  • prolonged use of pharmaceuticals
  • low motivation
  • prolonged use of alcohol, tobacco and recreational drugs
  • depression
  • susceptible to illness
  • parasites, worms
  • fungus, yeast growth
  • continuous headaches

Poor food choices, stress, poor breathing and lack of sleep simply leave our systems overly acidic. The blood needs to remain in an alkaline range and the body’s intelligence will do everything in its power to keep this. A toxic internal environment is an acidic one. You will have cravings, addictions, tension, and moodiness, feel stiff, and find it hard to lose weight, suffer from poor digestion, heartburn and eventually even diseases like osteoporosis, cancer, and kidney stones.

So…this is why we need to detox.

It’s time for a washout! It’s time to clean out, refresh and revitalize. During the process I will also do a colon cleanse with my Ballerina Tea, and it’s caffeine free. It has senna in it which will make you go, seriously.

Here are my guidelines for this 14 day vegan diet/cleanse

  • Favor foods in their whole form
  • Eliminate white sugar and white flour
  • Substitute animal protein (meat, eggs, chicken) with organic plant sources of protein (legumes, beans, nuts, seeds)
  • Watch caffeine consumption (the less the better)
  • Limit alcohol
  • Drink ginger tea.
  • Eat three meals per day with limited snacking (only if actually hungry, not bored!)
  • Drink warm/room temperature water with meals rather than iced drinks.
  • Weekly one day cleanse (ballerina tea)
  • Include living foods in your diet like raw sprouts and fresh vegetables
  • Wheatgrass as a supplement

All I have to do is increase my intake of these foods:

  • Fresh fruits
  • Fresh vegetables
  • Fresh fruit juices
  • Fresh vegetable juices
  • Whole grains (pasta, rice and breads)
  • Legumes
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Water/teas (at least two liters per day)

Keep in Mind…
When you detox, the toxins have to come up and out so there will be a process to go through. You may feel nausea, low energy, cravings, and even challenged at times.

It’s all worth it.