The Best Green Juice

Green Delight Juice

I’ve tried so many different combinations of vegetables and fruits to concoct, what I believe to be, the best tasting green juice everrrrr! I’ve done the research and the trials and errors for you. This recipe is simple and only requires 3 ingredients. My green juice is incredibly refreshing, nourishing, and delicious.

I prefer a green juice that’s slightly sweet without a bitter aftertaste. My first ingredient is the cucumber. Why? Well, cucumbers are super hydrating and they render tons of liquid. They are full of phytonutrients which have the potential to lower inflammation, boost immunity, and so much more. Who wants beautiful skin? I do! Cucumbers will keep your skin glowing. Second ingredient, raw organic spinach. Using a dark leafy vegetable like spinach enhances the nutrition in the juice. It’s rich in chlorophyll, magnesium, iron, vitamins B2 and B6, folate, vitamins K, E, A, calcium, potassium and manganese.

Lastly, the Granny Smith apple. Its moderately tart flavor adds a wonderful dimension to juices, there’s also a hint of sweetness in them that’s perfect if you’re trying to restrict your sugar intake. There you have it, my 3 ingredients best tasting green juice. I recommend using organic produce whenever it’s possible. Choosing organic reduces harmful pesticides and herbicides in your body. We’re trying to enhance our bodies defenses mechanism against harmful diseases and oxidative stresses, not contribute to it.


  • 3 organic cucumbers
  • 2 cups organic raw spinach
  • 2 organic Granny Smith apples

Servings for 3

Fresh Cucumber Juice

Move over celery juice there’s a new stallion in town, and he’s also packing vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Ladies and gentlemen, make room in your shopping carts and refrigerators for Mr. Cucumber. These bad boys are literally underrated. What’s so big about celery juice, and who started this trend? According to the New York Times, author Anthony William wrote “Medical Medium Celery Juice: The Most Powerful Medicine of Our Time Healing Millions Worldwide.” In it, he advises readers to drink 16 ounces of organic celery juice each morning on an empty stomach. He claims the celery juice can lead to clearer skin and weight loss, and help eliminate migraines and gout. Of course, these claims are not backed up by science. Plus, celebrities like Pharrell and Beyoncé are swearing by it. If you do your research, cucumbers and celery offer up very similar claims.

Top Cucumber Claims

  • Skin – reduce swelling/inflammation
  • Regulates blood pressure
  • Regulates sugar for diabetes
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Aids in cancer reduction
  • Detoxes the body
  • Relieves constipation
  • Hydrates body

Top Celery Claims

  • Fights inflammation
  • Suppress arthritis pain
  • Aids in cancer reduction
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Great for skin
  • Hydrating
  • Detoxes body
  • Aids in digestion

It all really boils down to preference. Both are healthy and have similar health claims. I choose to juice cucumbers because I prefer the taste. To tell you the truth, I’m not a huge fan of celery juice. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy eating celery but only in soups and salads. I’m currently growing cucumbers so I have a great supply to play with. They’re great for juicing because of their high water content and let’s not leave out the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. Cucumbers are also an excellent source of vitamin K and molybdenum. I also enjoy eating them, but juicing will instantly allow my body to absorb all the great nutrients quicker.

Here’s my all time favorite cucumber juice. It’s quick and refreshing. Always choose organic produce.


  • 1 Large cucumber
  • 1 Granny Smith Apple
  • 1/2 Lime (squeezed)

Here’s another one of my favorite cucumber juice:


  • 1 Large cucumber
  • 8 Kale leaves
  • 1 Medium finger length ginger (peeled)
  • 1 Granny Smith Apple

However, if you’re making for two or more people, then double up, triple up, or quadruple up on the ingredients.


  • Resource:
  • Benefit of Cucumbers
  • 10 Cucumber Health Benefits You Shouldn’t Ignore
  • How to get the health benefits of cucumber
  • Does celery juice have health benefits

    Fresh Beet Juice Blend

    Here’s a delicious beet juice recipe I created this morning. Sometimes you’ll drink a fresh juice and one ingredient may over power the entire juice. Well, this isn’t one of those juices. The beets and carrots adds the sweetness, then the bitter from the kale and parsley combined with the water from the cucumber, helped to balance out the taste. It came out really smooth. This recipe made two portions. Before juicing, make sure you wash and scrub your vegetables. Always use organic produce, if possible. If not, peeling the outer skin helps to reduce your exposure to pesticides.


    1. 1 Large beet
    2. 1 lb Carrots
    3. 1/2 Bundle of parsley
    4. 1 Large cucumber
    5. 3 Kale leaves


    What Gets You Through the Mornings?

    For me, I rely on my fresh green juices. Fresh juice from raw foods like spinach, carrots, kale, and collards green are the easiest sources and most effective way to get your greens in your diet. It’s also providing me with high quality nutritional vitamins and minerals. Plus, a boost of energy. You would be surprised by how a cup of fresh green juice can boosts your energy.  Most people start their day off with coffee and honestly, a cup a day won’t hurt. According to a recent study on coffee consumption, healthy people who consumed 4 cups or more a day is associated with a lower risk of death.  I think that’s excessive, even for healthy people. I’m healthy and I can’t manage to even finish one cup. I can’t imagine four cups a day.   If you are a lover of coffee, don’t skip it just add a green juice or two to your daily routine. The greener the veggies, the better.  The green pigment in plants is the chlorophyll, and that’s what detoxifies our blood.  The very best sources of chlorophyll found on the planet are dark green vegetables and algae. Chlorophyll is the cellular organelle that allows for organisms to produce their own food through photosynthesis. All plants and several different types of microorganisms go through photosynthesis. Algae includes several different types of photosynthetic microorganisms, and there are several different types of chlorophyll present in algae.  These chlorophyll supports our cells by revitalizing and restoring them.

    In my cup I have spinach, kale, green apple, lemon (without the skin), ginger and celery.  With these simple ingredients you’ll definitely get your energy levels up. The options are endless when it comes to fresh juices.  My philosophy is simple, eat lots of whole plants no matter how you choose to do it, just get the rainbow of colors in your diet. I’m a big lover of salads, smoothies, vegan dishes and fresh juices. Substitute one of your typical meals for a large bowl of salad and add a fresh juice to that also. This way you’ll make your quota for the day.

    Fresh Juice Recipes – just a handful of each green plant is needed. 

    Classic – kale, Swiss chard, Juice Recipe  spinach, celery, apple, lemon, ginger

    Sweet – kale, spinach, pineapple, mint, half of jalapeño

    Orange delight – carrots, granny smith apple

    Vitamin C Boost– gradefruit, orange, lemon, ginger and dash of cayenne pepper


    Why Consume More Plants? 

    Types of Chlorophyll Present in Algae

    Coffee Study: Higher coffee consumption associated with lower risk of early death

    Detox Green

    Early Morning Juicing

    I woke up late this morning, but I refuse to leave the house without my organic carrot juice😋. 

    To cut my time down in the mornings, I prepare my carrots from the night before. Plus, I add one green Granny Smith apple. According to the Gerson Therapy, combing these two together is key for detoxing the body of heavy metals.  Granny Smith contains malic acid which is responsible for their distinctive tart taste. Plus, sour apples are higher in potassium, says Katheryn Alexandra who is a Gerson Practitioner. 

    Have a wonderful healthy start to your day😋

    Detox Green Juice Recipe


    I just completed Food Matters Free 3 day detox cleanse, and honestly, I feel amazing!

    James Colquhoun and Laurentine ten Bosch are the brilliant filmmakers of ‘Food Matters‘ and ‘Hungry For Change‘. Two MUST SEE documentaries! They are the masterminds behind this cleanse.

    In this detox, they combined fresh juices, a green salad, and a potassium balancing soup. There was no added sugars, breads, whole grains, or dairy. Strictly vegan! Just real organic vegetables and fresh juices. I love to eat so choosing the right detox was critical. Most detox programs usually eliminate food. Well, Food Matters plan had the perfect balance for me.

    When starting any detox plan choosing the right time is key to your success, and consulting with your healthcare professional is extremely important.

    Below is the green juice recipe from Food Matters detox cleanse.

    2-3 Kale leaves
    1 Lime
    2-3 Celery stalks
    1-2 Cucumbers
    Optional detoxifying additions
    Romaine can be added as well


    For more information about Food Matters click here.

    Happy New Year & Happy Detoxing!

    My Exotic Green Juice Experiment

    I’ve been juicing for quite some time now, and quite frankly, after using the same ingredients day in and day out, my green juices started to bore me. My usual ingredients were kale, beets, spinach, apples, ginger and a citrus fruit. These were my staple ingredients. It’s almost like eating the same bland vegetables all the time, after a while, you’re not going to want to eat them anymore. Well, in this case, drinking the same fresh juices all the time, is basically the same…boring! It’s definitely time for a change!

    I thought about trying to juice a cantaloupe or a honeydew but, I had tried them before, so they weren’t enticing enough. Then it came to me, I will experiment juicing a dragon fruit. I had never tasted one before, and it’s totally different from anything I had ever juiced.

    Dragon fruits (Hylocereus Undatus) are amazingly beautiful. It is a tropical fruit popular in Southeast Asia, and it belongs to the climbing cacti (Cactaceae) family.

    This fruit is also native to Central America. Depending on where you’re located, you can find dragon fruits at your local farmers market, Asian market, or at a Whole Foods Market.

    I had to do some research, because honestly, I didn’t know how to cut a dragon fruit. I immediately searched YouTube. Just watching one How to Cut Open a Dragon Fruit video, I became an instant expert. All it took was one slice down the center. It was extremely easy. The inside was white like paper, just like the image above. After tasting a small piece, I knew this was the right choice. It was so sweet, similar to the taste of a kiwi or a passion fruit.

    To begin this experiment, the first thing I did was juiced the dragon fruit. I used my Juice Fountain Elite Juicer by Breville. I prefer the centrifugal juicers over the slow masticating juicers. The centrifugal juicers juice very faster. I especially like the Breville brands because, for a mother of three who is always on-the-go, they’re extremely easy to clean.

    When I placed the dragon fruit into the juicer, barely any juice came down the nozzle. It was a total mess! The dragon fruit was mushy. I love my juicer but, in this situation, I ended up with a glob of mush. The juicer wasn’t the right choice to use.

    On my second attempt, I juiced the other ingredients first (see below for the recipe). Then, I brought out my Vitamix. This did the trick. It pulverized the dragon fruit so well that once I added the green juice to it, and gave it another go, everything was completely and evenly blended together.

    My children enjoyed it, and I was very pleased with my wild and crazy new ingredient. At the end, my green juice was a hit. The dragon fruit added just what my green juice needed, an added exotic sweetness. Although, it took me longer than usual, it was all worth it. This post is apart of Williams-Sonoma’s Juice Week. They have amazing offers and a huge selection of all types of juicers.

    My new and improve Exotic Green Juice:
    1 Dragon fruit
    8 Kale leaves
    5 Romaine lettuce
    1 Cucumber
    2 Granny Smith apples
    1/2 lime (peeled)
    Ginger (1 inch)

    Best Place to Purchase a Juicer – WILLIAMS-SONOMA Juicers
    Dragon Fruit | Pitaya
    Dragon Fruit Photo: by Shutterstock
    Dragon Fruit Plant Photo: by City Pass Guide

    Fresh Juices


    There’s nothing better than a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice to quench your thirst. Drinking fresh juice is the best source of liquids for your body. The sugars are natural, enzymes are still alive, and the vitamins and minerals haven’t been diminished from pasteurizing.

    I have an old fashioned glass citrus juicer, and I use all the time. It’s not messy, and it is very easy to clean. I also have a Breville Juice Fountain Elite juicer. I’ll use the Breville if I’m juicing greens, carrots, or apples. I love it too.

    I make fresh juices for my family all the time. It’s so simple and take very little time to do. I believe drinking homemade juices provides us with beneficial protection against free radicals and immune support. An orange has over 170 different phytonutrients and more than 60 flavonoids, many of which have been shown to have anti-inflammatory, anti-tumour and blood clot inhibiting properties, as well as strong antioxidant effects.

    My message here today is to just take the time and make your own juices. The benefits are endless.

    Vitamin C Rich Food Sources

    Midday Snack for my Children


    Smoothies are super easy and healthy for everyone. If you have a picky eater at home, smoothies are wonderful for sneaking in your vegetables.

    Adding just one cup of spinach or kale won’t turn your smoothie green. But the trick behind this is to add raspberries, strawberries, and blueberries. The colors in these berries will hide anything.

    1 cup spinach
    2 cups raspberries
    2 cups blueberries
    1 cup pineapples
    2 cups strawberries
    2 bananas
    2 cups apple juice
    2 cups of ice

    This made 4 cups so adjust accordingly.

    My Fresh Juices


    Drinking freshly made juices and smoothies tops the chart for one of the best sources of obtaining vitamins and minerals naturally. People who adapt a whole food plant base diet (WFPB) find that most of their health problems were caused or significantly worsened by their old diets. These old diets consisted of eating processed foods, high proteins (meat, poultry), sugary beverages (artificial juices, sodas), dairy, and white starchy foods. Eating a WFPB diet resolved their health problems naturally and quickly once the body started getting the proper fuel.

    Lets look at my favorite success story and documentary Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead by Joe Cross. His personal struggles through navigating the prescription laden healthcare system and finding his own path for a healthy body all by juicing fruits and vegetables, is truly a remarkable and astonishing story.

      “My movie is not about weight loss; my movie is about getting healthy.”

    Watch this documentary! Joe’s medical struggles which are very common among millions’ of Americans’ is played out in front of you. It shows his body transformation over the course of 60 days and his strong will for avoiding fast foods. He accomplished his goal just from juicing fruits and vegetables.

    Joe’s personal journey led him to lose over 100 lbs, and getting off all his prescription medications, and curing his autoimmune disease disorder. His entire physical body changes by the end of the movie. It’s truly remarkable. Conventional medicine couldn’t deliver that.

    Drinking fresh juices and smoothies allows our body to naturally heal itself by replenishing the vitamins, nutrients and minerals our body craves. Stay away from processed, artificial ingredients, sugary drinks, white starchy foods, meats, fish and dairy. In the picture my tall glass bottled green juice has kale, spinach, lemon, ginger, and apples. In the smaller cup I have spinach, watermelon and pineapples. I drank them for breakfast and for lunch I’ll make myself a salad, which I will post a picture of later.

    Joe’s story is very inspirational. He’s my hero. I learnt so much from his documentary and you can also. His website has so much valuable information about rebooting your health. You can read other people’s Reboot testimonies as well. Joe’s website.

    Disclaimer: Please be advised this is a sharing of information that is not meant to be used to replace medical treatment and your own intuitive sense of your body and what it needs. Please see your medical provider (Doctor., Naturopath, Acupuncturist, etc.) to follow up on suggestions.